Dear friends of our retreat program, the next personal appointment for a group retreat
with free places is probably the April 09-11, 2021 near Bern. >>>

calendar_dates only

Until probably the end of March 2021, we will offer all of our programs for the sake of caring for one another
and solidarity exclusively
live online at. We hope for your understanding.


Here you will find all current dates 2020/2021 at a glance.
In 2021 there will be different formats of our retreat program: the one-day themed retreat, the three-day, five-day and seven-day retreat. Just take a look at our calendar and choose the format that is right for you. There are also appointment options for individuals, couples and closed groups.
Until March 31, 2021, all of our mutual caring retreats will only be offered live online. This form works very well. You can stay in your familiar surroundings and do not have to travel. This makes the entire Retrat stay ecologically better and cheaper for you.

Click on the corresponding quarter and enlarge the picture (Q4 2020 / Q1 2021 / Q2 2021 / Q3 2021 / Q4 2021)

Quarter 4/2020

Quarter 1/2021

Quarter 2/2021

Quarter 3/2021

Quarter 4/2021

Are you looking for an individual appointment that suits you? Just send us an Appointment request.
Ask? Call us.

Deadline 2021

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